May Allah Almighty grant him ʿĀfiyah and a speedy recovery. We arrive Batley at 6.30pm and first visit the residence of Dr Imtiyāz, the dentist and our family friend who is currently unwell. After Jumuʿah Ṣālāh, Mufti Ṣāḥib travelled to Batley and ate lunch and rested at the residence of Mawlānā Khalīl Aḥmad Kāzī’s father.Īt 5.30pm, we depart from Blackburn in my car with my respected father, Mufti ʿAbduṣṣamad Ṣāḥib and Mawlānā Khalīl ibn Mawlānā Hāshim Ṣāḥib. He was collected by Mawlānā Naeem Data who travelled with Mufti Ṣāḥib to Bradford. Mufti Raḍāul Ḥaq Ṣāḥib arrived at London Heathrow in the morning, accompanied by his assistant Mawlānā Bilāl. I thus thought it beneficial to collate the pearls and gems into an article, and Tawfīq is from Allah alone.

Over the coming days, I had the honour of spending time in the company of this great luminary and travelling with him, enabling me to benefit from his ocean of knowledge and profound intellect. My respected father also cut his journey short and arrived into Manchester on Friday morning. I returned to the UK on Thursday 21 July and the following morning on Friday, Mufti Ṣāḥib landed at London Heathrow. On Wednesday 20 July, we received the information that Mufti Ṣāḥib’s visa had come. My respected father travelled for Hajj and I travelled to India. Therefore, 24 July was fixed for the graduation ceremony and it was hoped that his visa would come. However, his visa did not arrive in time. The programme was initially scheduled to take place before Eid al-Aḍḥā. He and our Principal Mufti ʿAbduṣṣamad Ṣāḥib requested my friend, Mawlānā Khalīl Aḥmad Kāzī to make the necessary arrangements. 1376/1957) has known him since his days of study in Binori Town, Karachi in 1976 and decided to invite him to Darul Uloom Blackburn’s 22 nd annual graduation ceremony. My respected father Mufti Shabbīr Aḥmad (b. 1369/1950) is among the world’s leading Ḥanafī jurists whose Fatwa collection named Fatāwā Darul Uloom Zakariyya has widespread acceptance.

Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Raḍāul Ḥaq Ṣāḥib (b. In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent

For the convenience of our readers, we have listed here Prayer Times across different cities, villages and towns of United Kingdom.A Memorable Week with Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Raḍāul Ḥaq in the UK and Barbados Prayer Timings across different cities in United Kingdom.